Optomate Touch supports electronic Patient Health Fund Claims via HICAPS, TYRO & Touchcorp technologies (supporting various terminals including HealthPoint).
All integrations require third party applications to be installed to your Server. Please contact the Monkey Software Help Desk on 1300 650 295 for more information regarding installation.
Once your chosen Health Fund Claiming partner terminal is installed and configured you can setup the integration in Optomate Touch Workstation Settings.
Click the Links tab in Workstation Settings and tick either HICAPS, TYRO or TouchCorp, then enter the appropriate terminal parameters.
You can process a Health Fund Claim from the Patient Invoice screen. Once you have saved your Patient Invoice click on the Health Fund Claim button in the toolbar.
This will result in a table of all Health Fund codes invoiced and applicable fees. When you click OK on this screen the system will push all line items that are ticked directly to the Health Fund terminal. At this point you just need to swipe the patients Health Fund Card when prompted.
On completion of the claim, Optomate will automatically process a receipt for the rebate amount and take you directly to the Receipt screen awaiting gap payment.
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