The Adjust Batch facility allows you to make changes to invoices within a Batch. This includes removing an invoice Item from a Batch, amending the amount outstanding for an Invoice Item & changing the MBS code in order to Re-submit that item.

Click the Adjust Batch button at the top of the Institutions Menu then double-click on the Batch you wish to make amendments to.

You will then see a screen that includes all current Invoice Items for that Batch on the left-hand side of screen.

To remove an Invoice Item from the Batch, click on the item to the left of screen then click the double blue arrow pointing to the right. All items to the right of screen will be removed from the Batch when you click Close and answer Yes to the Save Changes prompt. If you accidentally remove an incorrect item you can highlight it and click the double blue arrows pointing to the left to re-insert it into the Batch. Double-clicking an item on the left or right side of screen will move it to the opposite side. Note that if you remove all items from a Batch, that Batch Claim Number will be deleted.

To amend the MBS code for an Invoice Item eg. if the item claimed has been rejected by Services Australia and you wish to amend the item to a different MBS code, highlight the item on the left of screen then click the “Change MBS Code for Resubmission” button at the top of screen. When you change an MBS code the system will automatically move that item to the right of screen. This denotes that it has been removed from that Batch and will be claimed the next time you Create Batch.

To amend only the amount of the Invoice Item ie. the MBS code is correct but the amount is incorrect, highlight the item to the left of screen and click on the “Adjust Invoice Balance” button at top of screen. The item will not be removed from the Batch.

Note that you cannot make adjustment to Batches that have been paid. To delete a Batch Payment go to the Institutions Menu, double-click on the Institution, then click on the “Payments” tab. Double-click the receipt you wish to delete and it will open up in a Receipt screen. Click the Delete button at the top of the Receipt screen.


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