A sample command line application for use with distributed render systems (Render Farms). Also adds creates sample scripts for Deadline

Supported Codecs:

Image Format Allowed Extensions Supports Alpha
JPEG files .jpg,.jif,.jpeg,.jpe no
Portable Network Graphics .png yes
Targa .tga,.targa yes
Tiff (Tagged Image File Format) .tif,.tiff yes
Windows Bitmap .bmp yes
JPEG-2000 .jp2 yes
JPEG-2000 codestream .j2k,j2c yes
Windows Icon .ico yes
JPEG XR format .jxr,.wdp,.hdp yes
RAW (nearly all versions) many yes
X11 Pixmap .xpm no
Portable Pixelmap (ASCII) .ppm no
Portable Pixelmap (RAW) .ppm no
Google WebP .webp yes



The option can be called using ( -u or –premultiply) which if present will force the system to pre-multiply the alpha in the source file (if it contains an alpha channel)


Another option has been added to allow for multiple crops of the same file to be created, the switch is -g or –crop and takes the following format:

-g l,t,r,b,n

Where l,t,r and b are the left,top,right and bottom pixels of a rectangle that defines the area to be cropped and n is an optional string that gives a name to be given to this encoded crop file.

You can use as many crop definitions as required by just repeating the switch multiple times, for example:

FlexResCmdLine.exe -s C:\sourceFiles -d C:\targetFiles -g 0,0,960,540,topleft -g 960,0,1920,540,topright -g 0,540,960,1080,bottleft -g 960,540,1920,1080,bottright

Would create the following 4 files:


Each file 960 × 540 pixels representing the 4 quads of a 1920 × 1080 file.

If the last name parameter is not present (ie. -g 0,0,960,540) then the files created will be the given target name with _1,_2, _3,_4 appended to the end.

All crops are encoded in parallel to speed up the encoding process.


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