ActiveControl Domain Controller

Like the Transport Management System, ActiveControl has the concept of a Domain Controller.

The domain controller does not need to be configured in any special way, it is simply the SAP system that the ActiveControl client software connects to, and is where ActiveControl configuration and application data is stored.
The server software runs mostly within the ActiveControl domain controller. When necessary, the domain controller connects to the other SAP systems to gather change request information and to perform transports. These connections are made using SAP’s remote function call (RFC) protocol.

In the contect of the ActiveControl Node-RED integration, Node-RED communicates with ActiveControl via the APIs that exist as part of the ActiveControl installation in the Domain Controller.

Integration Architecture

The following diagram summarises the high-level Architecture of an ActiveControl / Node-Red based integration.

Figure: ActiveControl Node-RED integration architecture

ActiveControl APIs

ActiveControl offers various out of the box APIs via which ActiveControl can communicate with Node-Red.

As of ActiveControl 8.40, SOAP APIs are available to perform all of the following key functions (however the intention is to supplement these with RESTful APIs in a future relesae of ActiveControl):

  • Create a Business Task
  • Change a Business Task
  • Read a Business Task
  • Read the Transports of a Business Task
  • Start the analysis for a Business Task
  • Read the results of an Analysis run
  • Approve a Business task
  • Enter the test results for a Business Task

SAP Integration user

An SAP user is required within the ActiveControl DOmain Controller to support inbound integrations.

This should be a SERVICE user with /BTI/TE:CTS_ADMIN and /BTI/TE:CTS_USER role assignments.


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