Awaiting my testing link on the TE Web UI front screen enables you to access a list of Business Tasks / Transport Forms that are currently awaiting your testing signoff:

This can also be accessed via the My Testing link on the left hand pane of the front screen:

A list of Business Tasks awaiting your testing will be displayed on screen:

Test results can be entered against a specific Business Task via the button.

Similarly Enter test results option in the left hand pane can also be used to enter test results:

Either option will open the Business Task that you want to enter test results for:

After entering test results, there are two options that can be used to save the results:

Save button can be used if you want the Business Task to remain in the Test Queue, and not be moved on to the next TE Control Point

Save & Approve button should be used when you do want to move the Business Task to the next TE Control Point.


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