The routes can be created manually.
The first step is to create a new route, select a suitable vehicle, set the start of the route by pressing the “Add” button. You can either edit existing routes by pressing the “Edit” button or delete them
using the “Delete” button. You can also delete multiple routes at a time.

After hitting button “Add”, simply select the vehicle from the list and enter the required start in the “Start time” field. You can also assign any number to the route. If you want to allow automatic route planning to change your route, then unlock the route by unchecking the “Locked” field.

Then, you can add individual orders from the “Unplanned Stops” table by drag & drop.
Orders can be added either individually or through a multiple selection. Another option is to mark orders in the map.

Use the context menu above the map to create a polygon. The polygon can then be freely edited to select the desired orders from the map. The next vertex of the polygon is created by clicking on the polygon’s edge while holding down the “Ctrl” key. The vertex of the polygon can be deleted via the context menu above the desired vertex. Marked orders are automatically selected in the “Unplanned stops” table. From the table you can easily transfer orders to any route. Remove the polygon by clicking anywhere on the map.

The sequence of stops on the route can be changed again. To switch an order from a route to a route, use the view with two route display tables. To switch between these views, use the context menu above the route table header.

For all routes, there are several ways to modify them automatically.

Reverse – Reverts the order of stops.


  1. Fixed stops, free routes start times – Calculates the optimal start time. Calculates the start of the route so that all the windows are met. The start time of the route does not depend on the originally entered value. If no such time can be found, an error message occurs.
  2. Fixed stops, fixed routes start times – Calculates breaks in driving. Performs the calculation so that all the delivery windows are maintained. The start time of the route is not changed.
  3. Free stops, free routes start times – System will try to find the shortest way possible between all stops. The beginning of the route is also changed.
  4. Free stops, fixed routes start times – System will try to find the shortest way possible between all stops. The beginning of the route is unchanged. All other criteria are not taken into account (time windows, vehicle capacity, etc.).

* Note – when you click the “Recalculate” button in the case of the 3rd and 4th points, the system arranges the order of visiting points with a minimum mileage, but WITHOUT taking into account time windows.


  1. Free route start times – Performs optimization for the selected routes while preserving all the specified conditions and adjusting the start of the route.
    Other routes will remain unchanged. If the optimal order of stops is not found, an error message occurs.
    To optimize the route, you can also expand the time windows by filling in the time window fields (“From”, “To”).
  2. Fixed routes start times – Performs optimization for the selected route while preserving time windows. Other routes will remain unchanged.
    The route does not start before the initial start of the route has been determined.
    If the optimal order of stops is not found, an error message occurs.
    To optimize the route, you can also expand the time windows by filling in the time window fields.


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