XCLOUD Price Change Notification (PCN)

Upcoming adjustment in the pricing of our XCLOUD product to all Clients, will take effect starting 1st Nov, 2024. This change is necessary due to an increase in the cost of a key component used within XCLOUD—the Citrix Enterprise DaaS License.

What’s changing?

The price for each user of the XCLOUD service that utilizes Citrix will increase by $20 per user, which reflects an approximate 12% increase on your Per User XCLOUD monthly cost. This adjustment applies to all clients using XCLOUD products that leverage the Citrix platform.

Why is this happening?

The cost increase stems from an adjustment in the pricing of the Citrix Enterprise DaaS License, which is a critical component. While we strive to absorb costs where possible and have done so for many years despite increased overall costs, this particular increase is too significant to ignore. A link here explains the increase by Citrix:

TECHZINE Article: Drastic price changes Citrix shake up CSP program

Our Commitment to You

Please be assured that we try our best to remain committed to providing you with excellent service and support at sensible rates. The increase is aligned with Clause 14.9 of our Terms and Conditions, which permits price adjustments related to pass-through components provided by third-party suppliers. You can review our full terms and conditions, including the clause on price adjustments at this link.
Terms and Conditions of Trade – PUBLIC

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


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