In the case of international staff members who are being travelled by the Organization, a Preboarding PA is processed to enable the processing of the staff member’s entitlement to travel. Additionally, the pPreboard PA is needed when a staff member is separated in one duty station and is reappointed in a different duty station to which the staff member will be travelled. The preboard PA is used in this situation to change the Staff Member’s organizational unit, thus ensuring that the proper entity is charged for the travel and that the travel request is routed to the right HR Partner for approval.

As of the time of publication of this job aid, the inspira interface is not functional and the HR Partner must therefore complete the Preboard PA in ECC.

1. After the HR Partner has received medical and reference clearances for the candidate and a confirmation of appointment has been issued, the HR Partner coordinates with the hiring manager and the selected candidate to confirm their start date.

2. Once a date has been agreed upon, the HR Partner executes a Preboarding PA in ECC to allow the request of the candidate’s entitlement to travel the candidate.


Last modified: 17 March 2022