Umoja onboarding refers to the period of time starting from when the offer has been confirmed for a temporary or fixed-term appointment. This assumes all clearances have been granted (reference checks and medical) and the staff member is about to travel to the duty station or, if there is no travel, to report on the first day. However please note that as part of the onboarding process, Umoja must be used to request index number and inspira Offer Management Module must be used to request medical clearance. Please refer to the Medical Clearance procedures in this manual, and the procedures in the Global Index Number Requestor iManual. With this caveat, the Umoja onboarding workflow can be said to begin right after the time when the inspira Offer Management has been completed.

Onboarding contains several steps and involves the use of multiple systems. The workflow also involves both an on-line and off-line work.


Last modified: 15 December 2023