Why do we need to check if the individual already has an Index Number?

  • Meeting participants may have an existing record because they dealt with the organization before as a meeting participant or in another capacity.
  • Therefore, it is important to avoid the creation of duplicate records in the system to minimize errors and prevent confusion.

  1. The HR Mini-Master Requestor receives the duly filled HR Mini Master offline form from the non-staff person along with an identification document that will be used to validate the information.
  2. The Global Index (GID) Requester is the role in Umoja that has the access to submit an Index Number request via the Umoja Global Index Database (GID).
  3. Before requesting a new Index Number, a thorough search must be conducted to determine if the non-staff person already exists in Umoja.

#A request for a new Index Number is created only after confirming that the non-staff person does not already have an Index Number.

Refer to the Global Index Requestor Role in Umoja for steps on Searching and Requesting an index number.


Last modified: 15 August 2021