Alternatively, you can modify the Infotypes of the newly created record through PA30 transaction. In this example, let’s modify the Infotype for the mailing address of the meeting participant.

  1. Type PA30 in the Command field.
  2. Click the Enter icon.

    Click image to open expanded view
  3. Enter the index number in the Personnel No. field and press the Enter icon.
  4. Click the Matchcode icon in the Infotype field.

    Click image to open expanded view

    It’s quicker to enter the Infotype number directly in the Infotype field at the bottom of the screen. For example, enter 6 for the Infotype Addresses.

  5. Select the required Infotype from the list. In this case, double-click Addresses.
  6. To select the Infotype Subtype, click the Matchcode icon in the STy field.
  7. Select the required Subtype from the list. In this case, double-click Mailing Address.

    Click image to open expanded view
  8. To edit the mailing address of the personnel, click the Change icon.
Click image to open expanded view
  1. The Change Addresses screen appears. Here, you can make the changes to the mailing address of the personnel. In this case, the changes have been made to the Address line 2 field.
  2. Edit the information in other fields as required.
  3. Click the Enter icon to confirm the record validity.
  4. Click the Save icon.
Click image to open expanded view


Last modified: 3 November 2021