1. In the job opening page, click on Details > Hiring Team.
  2. In the CRB / SRG section, click on Add CRB / SRG Secretary Team.
  3. On the next page, check the Select checkboxes for the CRB team that will be coordinating the review of the job opening.

    Click image to open expanded view
  4. Click OK.
  5. Once finished, click on Save at the top or bottom of the page to save the entries.
  6. Click on Job Details.
  7. Change the Status Reason to 010 Awaiting CRB/SRG Review.
  8. Once finished, click on Save at the top or bottom of the page to save the entries. If the entries are not saved, the job opening will not be properly routed to the next reviewer/approver.
  9. Click on Approvals. The recruiter box will be marked as Approved and CRB box status will change from
    Not Routed to Pending. The job opening should be routed to the relevant central review body for review and approval.
  10. If the central review body returns the job opening at the preliminary review stage, an automatic notification will be sent to the recruiter. The status reason should be changed to 055 Return to Recruiter.
  11. After the central review bodies approve the evaluation criteria and job posting in the system, an automatic notification will be sent. The Central Review Body approval step under Approvals will also change from
    Pending to Approved.


Last modified: 13 May 2023