1. Under Main Menu, click on Recruiting > Pending Approvals.
  2. On the next page, identify the relevant job request, and click on the Job Opening column link.
  3. Under the Details page, review the information entered by the hiring manager in the Job Details, Evaluation Criteria and Job Postings sections, and make any changes as required. In Job Postings, make sure to click on the posting title and add any necessary Special Notice.
  4. Under the Details page, in the Hiring Team section:
    1. Add the primary hiring manager in the Hiring Managers section by clicking on the search icon and entering the staff ID number in the Empl ID field or the staff name in the Display Name field and
      click Look Up. Mark the Primary checkbox next to the primary hiring manager’s name.
    2. Add the senior recruiter in the Interested Parties section by clicking on the search icon and entering the staff ID number in the Empl ID field or the staff name in the Display Name field and click Look Up.
  5. In the Activity & Attachments page, click on Add Attachment under the Attachments section and upload the approved classification document associated with the position (generic job profile, standard job description or individually classified job description).
  6. In the Details section, click on Approvals, and take one of the following actions:
    1. To approve the job request, in the Comments Text box, enter the names of any persons who hold or have held a temporary appointment within the last six months and who have been on the post; and click on Approve. For job openings created based on a standard job description, provide the job opening number for which the evaluation criteria were approved by a central review body.
    2. To deny the job request, provide comments or reasons for rejecting the request in the Comments Text box, and click on Deny.
    3. Alternatively, click on Save and return to the job request for review later.
    4. If the job request is approved, inform the senior recruiter (Interested Party).


Last modified: 13 May 2023