1. In Main Menu, click Recruiting > Search Job Openings.
  2. Enter the job opening number and click Search.
  3. Click on the posting title.

Senior recruiter:

  1. In the job opening, click on the Details tab.
  2. Under the Job Details default page, change both Target Openings and Available Openings fields to add one additional opening (for example, from 1 to 2).

    Click image to open expanded view
  3. Click on Preview and then on Save.
  4. Inform the hiring department and the head of entity to proceed with the selection.

Head of entity:

  1. Proceed to select another candidate following the steps under Tip 11.1 above.
  2. In the Selection Certificate step, make sure to indicate the reasons for selecting another candidate in the
    Additional Comments textbox.


Last modified: 1 August 2023