Excel format

  1. In the job opening, click on the Status Matrix under Applicants.
  2. When all candidates are displayed, click on the spreadsheet icon at the top of the page.
  3. Save and open the file.

PDF format

  1. Before generating the report, make sure to refresh the Status Matrix by opening the job opening and clicking on Status Matrix under Applicants.
  2. Under Main Menu, click on Recruiting > Reports > Summary Reports. Alternatively, in the job opening, click on Reports on the upper right-hand side of the page.
  3. In the Run Report For dropdown menu, choose Full Status Matrix.

    Click image to open expanded view
  4. If prompted, in the Job Opening ID, enter the job opening number.
  5. Mark All or choose Recommended.
  6. Click Generate Report.


Last modified: 1 August 2023