1. Applications are automatically pre-screened by the system to determine whether they meet the minimum requirements of the job openings. The screening occurs through the application of screening rules based on the eligibility requirements in the Staff Regulations and Rules and administrative issuances including h4. Staff Selection System – ST/AI/2010/3 and the evaluation criteria of the job opening. Applicants rejected through this process are not eligible to be considered. Some screening may require the recruiters manual review, called HR Assessment.
  2. Applicants will have the following status during the screening stage Tip 4.1:
Screening stage status
Expand each item for a description:
The applicant has applied but is awaiting the automated screening to be executed.
The applicant has passed all the screening rules and has been released to the hiring manager.
The applicant did not pass at least one of the eligibility screening rules, checked I do not meet this criterion for a required criterion or an eliminatory custom question in the job fit questionnaire, or failed to answer a required question or an eliminatory custom question in the job fit questionnaire. These candidates are not released to the hiring manager for assessment.
HR Assessment Required
The recruiter’s manual review is required before releasing the application to the hiring manager.
Wdraw App
The applicant withdrew his or her application.

The following topics provide more information on screening applications:


Last modified: 13 May 2023