The Evaluation Criteria are the criteria against which applicants are screened, evaluated and assessed. The following fields provides guidance on how to complete each field in this section Tip 2.3.

Expand each item for a description:

Years of Work Experience (mandatory)
This field indicates the minimum number of years of work experience required for the position. It should be filled out in accordance with organizational standards regarding the number of years of work experience required for each level, as prescribed in Annex I of this manual.
The Required checkbox must be marked to invoke automated screening of applicants (see Chapter 4 of this manual).
Field of Work (mandatory)
This field can be filled by the hiring manager or the staffing table manager. It reflects the applicable field of work (e.g. Economists, Jurists). This should match the Common Classification of Occupational Groups (CCOG) code from the approved classification document. More than one field of work may be added. If the field of work cannot be found, 1P (Professional, managerial and technical specialists for which no job family exists) should be selected.
Area of Speciality
This field can be filled by the hiring manager or the staffing table manager. It reflects the area of speciality within Field of Work. If 1P is selected, this field should be blank.
Job-Fit Questionnaire (JFQ) (mandatory)
The JFQ includes customizable pre-screening questions that allow the hiring manager to elicit targeted open text responses from candidates on how they meet the evaluation criteria in the job opening. This information facilitates the evaluation of candidates’ eligibility and suitability. The JFQ lists the required and desirable work experience criteria which will be displayed in the job opening (at least 1 “required”, maximum 10) Tip 2.4. It also includes up to two optional custom questions related to the responsibilities, professionalism, education, language, skills, and/or duty station of the position Tip 2.5. After entering the JFQ items, the hiring manager reviews them Tip 2.6 *, then export them to the job posting *Tip 2.7 with the possibility to translate them Tip 2.8.

Candidates who report in the JFQ that they do not meet a required criterion or do not fill in the JFQ for a required criterion are not released to the hiring manager for further assessment.

To use the JFQ tool effectively, the hiring manager is encouraged to liaise with the recruiter to carefully plan the job opening work experience requirements and desirables using a classification base document. The hiring manager should consider how the evaluation criteria may impact the candidate pool (size, diversity) and the envisaged assessments (tests and/or interviews).

For specific consideration of the JFQ custom questions, refer to Annex III.

Optional: Keywords
This field is optional. It is currently being used only for generic/continuous job openings. Hiring managers may add keywords aligned with the required or desirable work experience criteria of the job opening. The maximum number of keyword groups is 15. Each keyword group should include the keyword and all possible synonyms and variations, separated with a comma, in both English and French.

During the screening process, the system will identify the keywords in the work experience/employment section of the applications.
The Keyword Match score for each applicant will be provided (e.g. 1/5; 2/10) in the job opening’s applicant page. Applicants will be allocated one point for each keyword group match. Keywords cannot be changed after the job opening is approved and posted.

Examples of keyword groups:

  • Protection of civilians, POC, protecting civilians, protect civilians, protection des civils, PdC, protéger les civils.
  • Managing team, management of team, team management, managed team, team managed, équipe de gestion, direction d’ équipe, gestion d’équipe, équipe gérée.

Education/ Minimum Requirement (mandatory)
This indicates the minimum education requirement in accordance with organizational standards in Annex I. In general:
  • For positions in the General Service and related categories: High school diploma (HS Diploma).
  • For positions in the Professional and higher categories: Recognised 1st level degree.

The Required checkbox should be ticked.

YPP only: Main Course of Study and Field of Study Required checkbox
This box should remain blank. This is only used for the young professional’s programme examination.

Competencies (mandatory)
Professionalism should always be added in addition to two core competencies. For positions with managerial responsibilities, the most relevant managerial competencies should be added: normally two for the P-5, D-1 and D-2 levels and one for other levels with managerial responsibilities. Up to five competencies in total may be selected.

Tick the Required checkbox.

For positions in the Professional and higher categories, Advanced Level should be selected.

Basic language requirement
This field reflects the language(s) in which proficiency is required or desirable to perform the job. As a minimum, the applicant must be fluent in one of the United Nations working languages (English or French). Fluency or knowledge in additional language(s) may be required or desirable depending on the position or the duty station. The Level of Knowledge required in this section can be:
  • Fluency – equals a rating of “fluent” in all
    four areas (speak, read, write and understand), as indicated by the applicant in the PHP.
  • Knowledge of – equals a rating of “confident” or “fluent” in at least two of the four areas, as indicated by the applicant in the PHP.
  • The Required checkbox must be ticked for the required language(s) to invoke automated screening of applicants.
    or languages that are considered desirable, the Required checkbox should not be checked.

Complex language combination
If a job opening requires different language combinations (for example, English or French instead of only English or only French), the hiring manager may utilize the Complex Language Combination tool.

A summary of the combination will not appear on the Evaluation Criteria page. When this tool is used, there should be no language selected in the main Languages section.

Licences & Certificates
The required or desirable licenses and certificates may be added here although this will not invoke automatic screening. It is not necessary to check the Required checkbox.
Tests or Examinations (mandatory)
This field reflects the assessment methods. Competency-based interview should normally be added, and the Required checkbox checked for standard requisitions, recruit from roster and D2 level job openings. In case other types of assessments will be conducted, the hiring managers should also add Other Assessment Method or the specific assessment type which will be conducted.


Last modified: 13 May 2023