1. A request for cancellation before the review body compliance review may be approved based on the following reasons:
  • Insufficient funding of the job opening
  • Abolition of posts or reduction of staff
  • Significant changes to the functions of the advertised job opening
  • Changes to the organizational structure affecting the advertised job opening
  • No eligible or suitable candidate
  • No qualified candidates of the gender which is underrepresented for the job opening level
  • For geographical posts, no qualified candidates from unrepresented, underrepresented or within range Member States
  • The head of entity has decided to laterally reassign a staff member to the position
  • Temporary hiring suspension due to the liquidity situation or relevant causes
  1. Additionally, the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources has the authority to place in a suitable position the staff members when in need of placement outside the normal process, as per Section 11.1 of the Staff Selection System – ST/AI/2010/3, which may require cancellation of a job opening.


Last modified: 1 August 2023