When a candidate is selected for a position in the Secretariat, the HR Practitioner assigned to process the offer management case is required to review and/or complete specific requirements in order to initiate the onboarding or staff movement of the candidate.

Depending on the case at hand, some of the following requirements may not apply when initiating and Offer Management case:

The information entered in the inspira OM module at the initiation stage will be used to generate several key documents1 required during the onboarding/staff movement.

Click on the links below for instructions on how to process the offer management requirements discussed in this chapter in inspira OM module:

Candidates are given 7 days to confirm their continued interest in the position. In case they fail to take action within this set deadline, their offer management case moves to the
Interest Decision Overdue Tab where the HR Partner in consultation with the Hiring Manager may decide to either grant or deny a one-time extension.

1 Including the request for confirmation of interest, the job offer, the request for release, the confirmation of offer, all forms/documents required for reference verification (for reference verification cases not managed through the inspira RV module).


Last modified: 3 December 2021

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