If you have existing Excel macros that could benefit from using the TAD Actions then you can call TAD Actions from those macros. This replaces the need for a user to click the individual buttons on the TAD Ribbon or the blue Action buttons on the tab.

Some current uses of this functionality are:

1. Importing AMEX statement into AP Transaction Entry
2. Importing Payroll tax payments into AP Transaction Entry
3. Importing 3rd party Benefit data into HR Resource Benefits.
4. Downloading specific Tables or Reports

In order to call a TAD Action use the code below.

Application.Run "RunTADAction", CalledAction, TabName, ClearVariables, PromptAction, SkipProgress, SkipParameters, ParameterString

You will need to replace each of the Variables below with your values. If the variable is not required then the default value will be used.

Variable Description Variable Type Required Default Value
CalledAction This is the TAD Action that you would like to process. String Yes N/A
TabName This is the tab that you will be processing the Action against. String Yes N/A
ClearVariables This will clear all VBA variables once the process is completed if True. Boolean No True
PromptAction This will prompt the user to confirm the action if True. Boolean No True
SkipProgress This will skip the TAD Progress form if True. Boolean No False
SkipParameters This will skip the TAD Parameters form if True. Boolean No False
ParameterString This will override any saved parameters for the tab. Must include all parameters in the pipe deliimted string. String No N/A

The example below assumes you have already downloaded the TAD Sandbox table and it has the (Companies) parameter.

Using the line of code below, the TAD Sandbox table will download for Companies 1,2,3.

Application.Run "RunTADAction", *Download*, "My Sandbox", True, False, True, True, "1,2,3"

Taking it a step further, you can stack these calls on top of each other so that you turn your Custom Macro into a one click button to get data into Vista.

For example, you can write a macro that moves credit card data to the AP Transaction Entry Tables. Once the data is pushed, you can then run the following TAD Actions in consecutive order.

Application.Run "RunTADAction", *Format*, "AP Entry Header", True, False, True, True, ""
Application.Run "RunTADAction", *Format*, "AP Entry Lines", True, False, True, True, ""
Application.Run "RunTADAction", *Get Batch #*, "AP Entry Header", True, False, True, True, ""
Application.Run "RunTADAction", *Execute Import*, "AP Entry Header", True, False, True, True, ""
Application.Run "RunTADAction", *Execute Import*, "AP Entry Lines", True, False, True, True, ""

Running those actions will format each tab, assign a new batch number to both and then import the records from both.


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