Admin are able to offer open shifts to employees in the Shift view of the Schedules page. To offer a shift, first select the open shift you wish to fill. Then, you will be prompted to “Offer Shift”. From there, you will be brought to the Offer Shift form.

Highlights of This Form

Offer Notice
This notice is displayed to the employee when they view the open shift offer. In order to view the shift offer details, the employee must click the link sent to them via text message. Use this field to provide any extra information they might need to decide whether or not they would be able to fill the shift.

Admin Notes
Here, you can enter any notes that may be important information for admin in regards to this offered shift. Other admin will be able to view these notes you create.

Target Employees
Here, you can specify which employees will be notified of this offering. You can select all, or specific employees.

Assign shift to first employee who accepts
When enabled, the first employee to accept a shift offer will automatically be assigned to that shift. When disabled, multiple employees may accept the shift, but won’t be filled until a supervisor manually fills the shift.

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