This scheduling feature is hidden. When hidden, this feature will not be usable. Contact support@telephonetimesheets to enable this feature. If enabled, you will be able to schedule a Multi-Day job. Multi-Day jobs are jobs that can be completed at any time over the course of two or more consecutive days. For example, a job that needs to be completed anytime after 5PM on Friday, but before 9AM on Sunday.

To make a job a Multi-Day Job, select the checkbox for Multi-Day Job in the Advanced Options section of the Job edit form.

Then, in Schedule, select multiple consecutive days. For example, if Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are selected, the job can be completed on any of those days. If enabled, notifications for late Check-In won’t be sent until the end time on the final scheduled day of the job. You’ll notice the highlighted days are orange instead of blue- if they’re not orange, you’ll need to make sure that the box for Multi-Day Job was checked in the Job entry.

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