As soon as you create a Telephone Timesheets account, you will be given a toll-free phone number for your employees to call.
This number is unique to your company and is for your exclusive use. Before employees are able to clock in, they must be enrolled into the system. To learn more about adding employees, go to the Add Employees section of the manual.

By default, employees are able to clock in via phone call 2 different ways:

  • Calls from the employee’s own mobile phone:
    If the employee calls from their own mobile phone, in most cases they will hear “You have successfully checked in”. Similarly, when they call back at the end of their shift, they will hear “You have successfully checked out”.
  • Calls from land line telephones:
    If the employee calls from a land line phone, the employee will be prompted to enter their 10-digit mobile number. This allows our system to determine which of your employees is calling in. If they enter a 10-digit number that matches exactly with the information you have entered into the system, they will hear “You have successfully checked in”. When they call back at the end of their shift, they will hear “You have successfully checked out”.

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