When creating a series, there are two primary decisions to make:

1. Who will get scheduled:

  • Individual Employee: In this case, every day in the schedule entry will have just one known employee.
    e.g. John Smith, Monday-Friday.
  • Multiple Employees: In this case, each day in the schedule entry can be unique.
    e.g. John Smith and Frank Jones Monday & Tuesday, but Sally Johnson on Friday.
  • Any Employee: In this case, every day in the schedule entry will have the special “Any Employee” with a count. e.g. Any Employee with count of 3, Monday-Friday. In this case, the system does not know who will work, but it does know that 3 people must clock in.

2. The frequency of the schedule:

  • Recurring schedules: For example, every Friday from 8pm to 11pm, or every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2pm to midnight. Any type of recurrence is supported.
  • One-time schedules: For example, November 26th from 5pm to 9pm.

These schedules can be viewed in two ways:

1. Series View: This allows you to see the rules that were used to create a one-time or recurring series of shifts.

2. Shift View: This allows you to see a weekly calendar view of each shift for a particular job. You can use the Shift View to modify an individual shift.

You can create a new series by either using the icon in the upper right corner or use the in the lower left corner of the Schedules section of the portal.

This will bring you to the New Schedule edit screen where you can enter the employee(s), job, and days of the week, start date, end date, etc.

Highlights of This Form:

Schedule is Enabled/Disabled
This function makes the schedule either active or inactive. Marking a schedule as disabled makes it so employees can no longer check in to the scheduled job. However, if a schedule is marked as disabled, it wont remove it from the Series or Shifts view in the Schedule section of the Admin portal.

Schedule Type
This is where you determine whether you will schedule an Individual, Multiple, or Any employee(s). This field will change how you schedule the series.

This is where you select the job that you are scheduling. You must create a job before you start the scheduling process

Mark Schedule as Pending
The option to mark a schedule as pending is disabled by default, but can be turned on by contacting support@telephonetimesheets.com. If enabled, you can mark a schedule as pending. This will creating a new tab for pending schedules. If a schedule is pending it will be considered inactive. The pending feature can be used to create schedules that have yet to be assigned to an employee. This is most often used with companies that supply employees through a vendor. This allows the company to create the schedule before an employee has been assigned. Once an employee has been assigned, that’s schedule can be approved and no longer be pending.

Schedule Any Time of Day
This can be used if you are creating a schedule where the start and end time isn’t important to the job. By checking this box you can no longer select a start and end time to the shift.

Start/End Time
Here you can select the start and end time of your shift. The start and end time of the shift must be consistent for every assigned work day for this schedule. However, you can edit individual shift start and end times.

Repeat/One Time
You can select if this schedule is either recurring or completed one time. If the job is reoccurring, you can select how often it will reoccur.
e.g. Weekly – Every 3 Weeks – Monthly – Yearly

This section of the form will function differently depending on what schedule type you selected; Individual, Multiple, or Any Employee(s). It’s important to note that the start and end time cannot change per day when creating a series

  • Individual Employee: The Individual Employe schedule type is for cases where there is a single known employee who will work each scheduled day.
    e.g. John Smith, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  • Multiple Employees: The Multiple Employees schedule type is for cases where more than one employee will work each scheduled day, e.g. John Smith and Sally Jones work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This schschedule type is also used when there are different employees for each scheduled day. e.g. John Smith and Frank Jones Monday & Tuesday, but Sally Johnson on Friday. By using the Multiple Employees schedule type, it is possible to have a single schedule entry, rather than multiple Individual Employee schedule entries.
  • Any Employee(s): The Any Employee schedule type is for cases where the employee who will do the job is unknown. For example, if the employee is provided by a 3rd-party vendor, when the specific employee will be assigned at a later date.

Start/End Date
Here you can select your start and end date for this scheduled job. You can select 3 different ways to end a schedule:

1. Never: This allows the schedule to run infinitely.

2. End Date: The last day of this schedule can be chosen using a calendar selector. For example, the last day of the schedule is October 3rd, 2024.

3. Count Reached: In this case, the schedule ends after a certain number of occurrences. For example, a daily schedule with a count of 5 would end after 5 days. A weekly schedule with a count of 5 would end after 5 weeks.

Highlight Color (advanced options)
A specific color can be assigned to this schedule to differentiate it in the Shifts view.

Schedule Details (advanced options)
Schedule Details are displayed in the Date/Details column of the time entries screen and may optionally be exposed to employees in the employee web portal during clock in.

Notes For Scheduler (advanced options)
Employees will not see these notes. They are only available in the admin portal to those who maintain the schedule.

Break Length (advanced options)
Here you can determine the amount of unpaid break time that will automatically be subtracted from the total hours worked. These breaks are not controlled by the employee. This means the employee won’t start and end their break during this shift. The Break Length entered here overrides any Break Length assigned to the Job.

Auto-apply Break (advanced options)
Here, you can assign the number of hours that must be worked before the unpaid break time is subtracted from the total hours worked. For example, you could assign 4 hours to this field. Then, if an employee works less than 4 hours, no break will be subtracted. The Auto-apply Break entered here overrides any Auto-apply Break assigned to the Job.

Budgeted Time for This Shift (advanced options)
This field allows you to assign a budgeted time to the shift. This is useful for reporting when you want to see how many hours were actually worked, compared to how many hours were budgeted for the shift. The value entered here will override any budgeted time assigned to the Job.

Schedule Snapshot (advanced options)
Here, you can visualize how your schedule will look once it has been saved. You can check this field to ensure the schedule was entered correctly.

Hide Past Schedule Dates (advanced options)
When looking at your Schedule Snapshot, you can hide scheduled dates that have already passed.

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