Surfguard is a web-based application and is part of a suite of applications that enables Members, Clubs, Branches, State Offices and Surf Life Saving Australia to access the national membership database

Surfguard’s relationship to other SLSA websites & online resources

The Surfguard database security is set up on a Child (Club), Parent (Branch) and Grandparent (State) and Great Grandparent (SLSA) pyramid structure. People who have access at a higher level can see the data below them in the structure. Clubs consist of Surf Life Saving Clubs as well as Services such as RWC operations and Lifeguard Services. Where a State has no Branches, all Clubs are entered in the ‘Misc Branches’ for that State. Those with Club access can only see their own Club data and the membership details of their Club.

Pyramid structure: Clubs & Support Ops, Lifeguards, Academy

A person’s record is the centre piece of data in Surfguard around which all records are based. A person is a member of an entity (Club or Clubs) which is connected to a Branch/ State etc. Awards, Patrols and other details are attached to the member record and used by many parties in the organisation; therefore, it is vital that all member details are kept up to date.

Individuals Details in Surfguard

The Surfguard User Guide is designed as a training resource for those undertaking training in Club, Branch, State or National administration, and a reference tool for those already involved in Club, Branch, State or National administration.

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