Updating Incidents

To update details of an incident:

  • From the Dashboard side menu, select View All Incidents.
  • Select the action you want to take from the appropriate incident.

Closing incidents
Once resolved, incidents should be closed to ensure the correct timeline and tracking is applied.
The following steps should be done to close an incident

1. Ensure that all responding services have been Cleared from the Units area.

2. Enter any remaining information associated with the incident (e.g., the MIR number [SLSA Member Injury Report] for member injuries).
3. Click Close Incident.
Note: When you close an incident that is an IRD type incident (e.g. Suspected Spinal Injury (IRD)), the IRD Number will be displayed on the Incident Details screen. Provide this IRD Number to the patrol/service involved so they do not create a duplicate Report in the IRD.

The Incident Log Messages and the Incident Description are added to the IRD.

If you are sure there is nothing else to add, click Yes (1) or,
If you have forgotten to add some information, click No (2) then repeat these steps when possible.

Following-up or re-opening incidents

Not all incidents reported in the SurfCom Management System are entered perfectly and there are often follow-ups and changes that need to be made after an incident has been closed. Incidents can be updated or re-opened in two ways, depending on whether they were created today or previously.

1. Updating or re-opening an incident created today

  • Click View All Incidents on the Quick Action toolbar.
  • The View Incident Summary screen will display, showing both Open and Closed incidents.
  • To Reopen a closed incident Click into the incident and select Reopen
  • To add Follow Up noted to an incident click Follow Up

2. Updating or re-opening an incident created before today

  • From the OTHER FUNCTIONS menu select Incident Search.
  • You can search for Incidents using either Incident Number or Search Criteria.
  • If you click Incident Number the incident details will be displayed on-screen.
  • At the top of the screen click either Follow Up or Reopen Incident.

Click either Follow Up or Reopen Incident.

  • Follow Up will to take you to the following screen:

  • Click + Follow Up to add additional details to the Incident.
  • Add the follow-up details, then click Save Follow Up.

If your incident message requires a different time or further information in the comments, click Log to Record an Incident Message.
From the View Incident Log screen, you can also see Record Incident Message, Edit Incident Detail or View Incident Summary by clicking relevant buttons.

Complete the required fields (change the default time if required) and click Save to Record your Message

The message will appear in the Message Log. To see a log of all incident messages, click the Log icon from within the Incident.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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