There are 2 ways to add a new incident:

Incident Quick Links > Add Incident (1)

On the View Status (2) screen of Signed On Clubs or Lifeguards, click the Add Incident icon

Once the Incidents Incident Manager – New Incident displays, complete the following mandatory fields:-

  • Service – a Secondary Service can also be added but no compulsory
  • Location
  • Incident Type
  • Priority – Select from drop-down High (3), Medium (2), Low (1)
  • Brief Description
  • Time Open – automatically pre-filled but can be altered if necessary

2. Complete the following additional fields when relevant.

  • Further Information — Information provided at the time of the call. This field can be updated once the incident has been saved. Enter as much information as possible here as this will all be relevant when calling an ambulance, and will copy to SLSA’s Incident Report Database (IRD), and will be used in the Response Notification details sent via SMS

Note: Only Incident Types Marked as (IRD) will be copied to the Incident Report Database
  • Latitude and longitude. – click the Map Icon on-screen, to mark the location of the incident on the map and Latitude and Longitude will be populated.
  • Ambulance Called? — If an ambulance is required, the moment you get through to a 000 Ambulance Emergency Medical Dispatcher click Ambulance Called and save the incident. This will enter and save the exact time that you called the ambulance for future reference, which is essential in coronial inquests and other inquiries.
  • Third-Party Incident Number — to record external services incident numbers if required.
  • SLS Contact Operators can choose a contact person
  • Caller Details — Enter the name, organisation, and contact number of the person who called in the incident.
  • 13SURF — Where an incident has been called in through the 13SURF number, tick the checkbox to indicate this.

3. Click Save Incident Detail – the screenshot below shows the additional information generated once saved

Additional information includes:

  • Incident number.
  • Address details of Service listed — Surfcom displays the address details that are entered in the Organisational Details section of Surfguard. This makes it easier for the SurfCom operator to provide address details to the ambulance, police or other support services.
  • Message Log — When services are talking about the incident and you wish to record those messages, you should record them in the Message Log of the specific incident rather than the standard radio log. This will flag the messages as pertaining specifically to that incident and keep them separate from standard radio logs.

4. Adding additional messages to the Message log

This can be done in two ways:

  • Directly in the incident screen — Additional incident messages can be logged directly in the incident screen whereby the message log will automatically update without the need to refresh the page. Incident messages added this way will be given the current time. To record a new message:
    • Type the message.
    • Select the relevant addresses from the From and To drop-down lists.
    • Click Record


  • Using the Record Message button.
    • If your incident message requires a different time or further information in the comments, click Record Incident Message.
    • Complete the required fields (change the default time if required) and click Record Message.
    • The message will appear in the Message Log, below.
    • To see a log of all incident messages, click Log button.
    • From the View Incident Log screen, you can also see Record Incident Message, View Incident Detail or View Incident Summary by clicking relevant buttons.

Note The Reset button refreshes the page any updates will be lost if not saved when pressing Reset

5. Adding responding services

To add Responding Services choose the service from the drop-down menu and click Add Unit. This allows operators to quickly add a responding service without opening another screen. The service will be added for the current time with a status of Notified and the information will appear in the Message Log.

To add a Responding Services with a different time or status, click Add Service. Complete the required details and click Add Unit.

The Responding Service will appear in the Incident Message Log and the Responding Services screen (see below).

To update the Status of a Responding Service and have the status added to the Message Log, click any of:

  • Enroute
  • On Scene
  • Returning
  • Stand Down
  • Clear Unit
Click Service History to view the times when each status was changed.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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