Minimum requirements

Each SurfCom setup will require the minimum operating environment consistent with the Standard Operating Procedures defined by your appropriate State/Territory Office.

As a guide the following items should be considered the minimum requirements as the primary access point for the SurfCom system as defined in the SurfCom BR&S.

  • Windows based PC (with redundant unit available).
  • Internet browser with latest updates applied.
  • We recommend Google Chrome as the primary browser.
  • We recommend Mozilla Firefox as a backup browser.
  • Broadband internet link; minimum configuration ADSL2+.
  • Dual monitors; 19” or greater with a screen resolution of at least 1366 × 768 pixels.
  • UPS power sources.

Additional tasks to be undertaken at each location:

  • Set up each PC that will be used for the SurfCom System.
  • Open browser and go to
  • Save this as your home or start-up page.
  • Set up all operator IDs, contacts (Duty Officers, External), Groups (Communications).
  • Upload all associated documentation for that location (SOPs, State legislations and bylaws, regional maps, product guides, system user guides, contact directories etc).*

Site Recovery
Recovery in the event of site failure will be consistent with the following:

  • SurfCom Centre: In the event of failure in the centre (e.g. Fire), execute the DR plan to assign management of SurfCom Operations to a Duty Officer or secondary SurfCom centre.
  • SurfCom terminal (PC): In the event of failure immediately switch to secondary terminal or redundant hardware.
  • Power failure: In the event of electrical failure, immediately cut over to battery backup for all systems, secondary escalation to Duty Officer.
  • Internet link: In the event of failure, immediately cut over to secondary internet link (USB internet dongle, etc.).

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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