Note: To conduct a gear inspection you need to have been awarded the Gear and Equipment Auditor Award in SurfGuard, contact your State Lifesaving Manager who can coordinate the allocation of the award with the SLSA Helpdesk.

There are three variations of this Award
- Gear and Equipment Auditor (State Endorsed)
- Gear and Equipment Auditor (Branch Endorsed)
- Gear and Equipment Auditor (Club Endorsed)

Depending on the Award assigned and the originating organisation, this will determine what access you will have to perform gear inspections.
For example, if a user has the Branch Award assigned and the originating organisation as Central Coast Branch, they will have access to perform gear inspections for all relevant gear in Central Coast Branch and all the clubs/organisations within the branch.

Conducting a Gear Inspection

To perform a gear inspection, follow the following steps

1. Click in the Last Inspection area
2. Click +New

3. Mark the equipment as either ‘Discard’ ‘Re-Inspect’ or ‘Pass’. Complete all steps in inspection and click Save.

4. Once the gear inspection is saved in the Operations App, the gear inspection fields will also be updated in SurfGuard.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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