Accessing the Patrol Roster and Marking Attendance

1. Select the ‘Patrol’ button located on the bottom of the page.
2. Select the Roster which will display the number of people rostered in the patrol.

3. The roster has a checkbox next to each member who is rostered on the patrol.
4. Tick to indicate that a person is attending patrol as each member will be set as unchecked by default.

Adding Additional Members and Updating Information

Additional members can be added to the patrol by clicking on the red ‘Add Position’ button.
If a member is left as unchecked then they will display as a ‘no-show’ in the patrol log in SurfGuard.

Members on patrol can be updated and have their information changed accordingly to account for Volunteer Patrols, Substitutions, Not Rostered/Excused, arriving late or leaving early this can be done by clicking on a patrol member’s ‘Edit’ button.

Authorised users can update patrolling members starting and finishing times indicate substitution requirements.

Adding a Visitor to a Patrol

Visitors from other clubs/lifeguards can be added by using the ‘Add Position’ button.
Type in the Visitors name and select save once required fields have been filled in.

To view a quick instructional video outlining this process see below:

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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