Within the My Patrol Section users are requested to set a minimum subset of patrol statistics. These stats are compulsory when signing on/off a patrol such as Weather Conditions and these are indicated to the user in the statistic screen. Users can update a wide variety of patrol statistics as they occur during the patrol.
Weather Conditions stats are required to be completed at the ‘Start, Middle and Finish’ of each patrol.
Statistics include:
- Weather Conditions – data can be pre-filled in some fields using the feed from BOM for the given beach.
NOTE: Clicking on the red ‘Auto’ button will prefill this information. - Real-time Hazards
- Other – number of incidents
- Beach Closure Reason
- Beach Attendance
- Rescues
- First Aid Summary
- Preventative Actions
- Gear & Equipment
Once you have opened your patrol, click on the Stats icon (third on the patrol status menu tab) to access the Patrol Statistics.
To view a quick instructional video outlining this process see below:
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.