The Surf Risk Rating Tool offers qualified users several tools to assess the risk of the surf environment.

  • The Patrol option assists patrol captains and other beach managers to assess risks in their patrol aquatic environment.
  • The Water Safety option allows Water Safety Supervisors, Trainers and other parties to assess risk when conducting sport and award training, junior activities and other sanctioned activities.
  • The Sport Events options allow for risk assessments to be made both before and during a sports event, as well as collecting data on any incidents that may occur during the event.

The aims of the Surf Risk Rating Tool include:

  • To enable water safety managers, officials and others to be advised of a Surf Risk Rating in a timely and efficient manner.
  • To have a consistent process for the evaluation of a surf risk rating.
  • To provide key decision makers with information to enable them to make informed decisions.
  • To provide key prompts associated with safety and risk management.
  • To enable officers to reduce level of risks levels through mitigation.
  • To act as a tool for the collection of key data that may assist in determining future safety practices.

The Surf Risk Rating tool is accessed by opening the Operations App, selecting the 3 lines located at the top-left hand corner to display the menu and choosing Risk Rating.

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