SEMS (Sport Event Management System) is a single instance and database that supports the total administration of Events and other SLSA affiliated sporting events.

The system includes functions such as:
• Event definition & Management
• Entrant Management
• Event round management including multiple rounds and heats
• Recording of results
• Reporting
• Invoicing registration fees

All levels within the organisation are able to interact with the system in order to perform their defined tasks.
SEMS contains security integration into the SLSA Member Area to support single sign on at all levels of SLSA and system user roles.

The SEMS system security is based on two factors; Users role and where a User sits within our Organisation Hierarchy:

Club Officer – Ability to register Teams/Entrants on behalf of club + Member). This includes all reporting for their organisation.
Recorder – Carnival Recorders can create draws, run rounds, add results, edit/remove entries in the round/results section, add entries for competitors that are eligible in the round/results section, run reports etc
EventAdmin – Create and modify Events, add entries along with entry exemptions and all other functions assigned to the Officer/Recorder roles
SuperAdmin – Core SEMS Configuration, inherit SuperAdmin for all levels of the organisation (this includes managing event types, classes, roles, global settings, seasons etc. Along with all functions assigned to Officer, Record and EventAdmin.

Once a User logs into SEMS – displayed in the top right-hand corner of the screen will be:

1. Users Role (SuperAdmin, EventAdmin, Officer) along with the Organisation Level of usage (Surf Life Saving Australia) and
2. Person/User currently logged in.

SEMS has been designed to pull information from Surfguard and update SEMS daily therefore there is no need for clubs, Branch, States to manually perform a ‘force surfguard member update’.
At 3am each day, SEMS is updated with members award, patrol details and member registration information.

The terminolgy has changed slightly from the old Carnival Manager System.
In SEMS, a carnial is referred to as an Event.
In SEMS, an event (Race) is referred to as a Contest
In SEMS, a competitor is referred to as an Entrant or participant.

Revision: 22
Last modified: 10 September 2021

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