Lesson 1 – 20 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of surf life saving in Australia
  • Identify the surf club as a welcoming place
  • Understand and demonstrate the sunsmart guidelines
  • Understand what happens when they’re not sunsmart


  • Ensure the club is accessible for the club tour.
  • Worksheet: Sunsmart
  • Pens/Pencils.
  • Collect a range of posters and flyers from outside organisations like the Cancer Council.
  • Prepare sunsmart items for dress up:
    • long sleeve shirt
    • sunscreen
    • wide brimmed hat
    • sunglasses
  • Whiteboard and markers (optional).
  • Butcher paper and markers (optional).


  • Introduce Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap
  • Discuss with participants what they mean, with emphasis on the beach environment.
  • Welcome all the participants and parents to the junior program and surf club.
  • Introduce (from those available) the main people involved in running the junior program or the club.
  • Discuss some of the history of surf life saving in Australia and in particular the history of your club – include any interesting facts you might know.

Activity 1

  • Take your group of participants and parents on a tour of the surf club and surrounding environment.
  • Point out areas of interest and importance at your Surf Club e.g. showers/toilets, club hall, equipment shed, patrol room, IRB room, First Aid room etc.
  • Finish the tour by setting the boundries for junior activities around the surf club and beach.


  • Ask the participants if they have any questions about the history of surf life saving, the junior program or the surf club and do your best to answer them.


  • Discuss the consequences of what happens when no sun protection is used when in a beach environment.
    • You get burnt
    • Being burnt is not fun
    • It can cause cancer later in life

Activity 2

  • Ask for a volunteer to help demonstrate being sunsmart.
  • Dress them up in front of everyone in a sunsmart manner, one thing at a time.
  • Ask the participants how we can make the volunteer sunsmart?

Activity 3

  • Have the participants complete the ‘sunsmart’ worksheet.

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