Lesson 1 – 20 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of surf life-saving in Australia
  • Identify the surf club as a welcoming place
  • Identify people in their own personal safety network that they can ask for help



  • Pens/pencils


  • If you are not confident discussing the personal safety topics in this lesson, identify and bring in somebody who can help, i.e. teacher, club captain, police officer etc


  • Welcome all the participants and parents to the junior program and surf club.
  • Introduce (from those available) the main people involved in running the junior program or the club.
  • Discuss some of the history of surf lifesaving in Australia and in particular, the history of your club – include any interesting facts you might know

Activity 1

  • Take your group of participants and parents on a tour of the surf club and surrounding environment.
  • Point out areas of interest and importance at your surf club e.g. showers/toilets, club hall, equipment, shed, patrol room, IRB room, First Aid room etc.
  • Finish the tour by setting the boundaries for junior activities around the surf club and beach


  • Ask participants to talk about what it feels like to be in an unsafe situation, eg have you felt scared in the water or in a shopping centre before.
  • Discuss with participants the type of people they can trust to keep them safe, ie. family friends, police, aunties and uncles, teachers.
  • Discuss the importance of creating personal safety networks and having people you can trust to ask for help, eg you know the best people to talk to when you need help and you know these people will be able to help and keep you safe.

Activity 2

  • Ask participants to use the My High Five worksheet to trace their hand onto.
  • On each of the fingers they need to identify someone they can trust (most will identify Mum & Dad etc)
  • Check what the participants are writing to ensure they are on the right track


  • Ask the participants if they have any questions about the history of surf lifesaving, the junior program or the surf club and do your best to answer them.

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