Lesson 8 – 40 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Attempt or perform body surfing on a wave


  • Water Safety Personnel (1:5).


  • If you are not confident coaching the skills in this lesson, bring in a surf sports athlete or coach to help deliver the lesson.

Coaching Points


  • Keep body stiff with hands out in front (above head).
  • Keep head down between arms.
  • Strong fast kick.
  • To breathe, take a single arm stroke with one hand out in front and breathe to the side.


  • Demonstrate the correct body surfing technique for the participants to see.

Activity 1

  • Organise the participants into a semi circle.
  • Ask the participants to make their body as ‘stiff as a board’ in the correct body boarding technique.

Coaching Points


  • Face the shore.
  • Watch behind you for an approaching wave.
  • Just before the wave hits, take a deep breath.
  • Jump forward or swim hard to match the speed of the wave.
  • Keep your body stiff and kick fast.


  • Discuss the technique for catching a wave.

Activity 2

  • Take participants into waist-deep water.
  • Line up participants facing the beach.
  • Ask the participants to get into their ‘stiff as a board’ position.
  • When you see a wave is about to reach the participants get them to bend over and push off with the wave.
  • Repeat this until they get the idea and can do it themselves.

Activity 3

  • If you have an advanced group of participants, move into deeper water and try catching waves by swimming onto them.

This lesson assumes participants have acquired previous skills from earlier awards:

  • Wading and Dolphin-Diving.

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