Lesson 2 – 20 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the actions they can take when feeling frightened, lost, upset or bullied
  • Recognise the importance of persisting when needing help


No preparation is needed.


If you are not confident discussing the personal safety topics in this lesson, identify and bring in somebody who can help, i.e. teacher, club captain, club president, police officer etc.


  • Talk to participants about the importance of having trusted people who you can talk to when you are feeling frightened, lost, upset or bullied.
  • Discuss “What if…” situations and ask participants to recognise if the action is safe or unsafe.
  • Relate the content to the surf club environment, such as; ‘What if you were really scared of the big surf and were being bullied to go out?‘
  • Discuss with participants the following scenarios:
    • What if you told a person you trusted that you did not feel safe and nothing happened?
    • What if the person did not believe you?
    • What if the person was too busy to listen?
    • What if the person wasn’t there?
    • What if the person believed you and still did nothing?

Activity 1

Create a couple of role plays:
Participants are to split up into groups of 3 or 4. A role play scenario is given to each group.
Each group is allocated 10 minutes to address the scenario.
Allocate a parent/helper to each group to ensure they understand what they are doing and stay focused.
Role Play 1
Billy has/is been bullied at nippers and tries to talk to Bob but Bob doesn’t want to listen. Billy decides to talk to Caitlin and Caitlin listens. Caitlin is to listen to Billy and persist on finding out more information about him being bullied.
Role Play 2
Joe has hurt his leg while running on the beach. Zoe notices that he is hurt and persists in finding out as much information as to pass on to the age manager or a person in their safety network.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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