The default display is Show Today only.

If you untick the box, all previous and future sessions will also show.

Select/Tap today’s session and you will be able to perform any of the following tasks: –

  1. Filter by First Name, Last Name, Season & Gender
  2. Add group Notes – eg completed Topic 1 of Surf Education program
  3. Show only checked in Nippers.
  4. View total sessions attended by each Nipper.
  5. Check-In Nippers by tapping the +
  6. Check-Out Nippers by tapping the +
  7. View Nippers Details including Emergency Contact Details
  8. Add individual Nipper Notes – eg Sarah sprained her ankle doing flags today.

The screenshot below shows information displayed when you click the information Icon (*7 *in the screenshot above) it includes Medical & Emergency Contact Details

You can edit Check-In and Check-Out times by tapping the edit icon next to each time. To check out Nippers you would tap the “plus icon” +

Completely Remove Checked In & Checked Out Nipper Accidentally Marked as Attending

1. Tap the Edit icon.

2. Tap the Cross in the Check In time.

3. Click Save

4. The Nipper no longer shows as attending the session.

Editing Check In & Checked Out Times for Closed Sessions

Edits to the Checked In and Checked Out fields in a session can be made up until midnight on the day of the session. Edits required after the session date has passed can only be done once the JAC Administrator has re-opened the session in Surfguard.

The session in the screenshot below is for a passed date and you can see there is no ability to add/edit Check-In & Checked Out times.

In Surfguard the JAC can go to the Nipper Sessions section, filter by Under 7’s and the following screen will display, the session on the 25/04/2023 has a Status of Closed

The JAC would select the unlock icon and the session would Reopen.

The session times can now be edited.
NOTE: if a Session is re-opened via Surfguard it will also need to be closed in Surfguard once the Nipper Age Manager or Assistant Age Manager have made the changes

How Can I Tell if a Nipper Session in the Members Area is Open

Nipper sessions that are Open will display with a green background in the Members Area

Age Group & Individual Nipper Notes

For both types of notes the default display shows notes added by the member logged in. There is an option to ‘Show all notes” and you will see notes added by any Age Manager or Age Manager Assistant for all session dates.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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