Lesson 6 – 25 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Enjoy beach sprinting and participating in beach relays


  • Marker Cones.
  • Batons: hose/flag/pipe/plastic tube etc.

Activity 1

  • Set up a start and finish line using marker cones and lines in the sand (no more than 25m apart),
  • Explain the beach sprint instructions,
  • Take the participants to the start line,
  • Line the participants up along the start line in groups of about 8,
  • Explain to the participants that on ‘Go’ they must run to the finish line,
  • Run through 4 or 5 beach sprints and then start to mix up the way they run:
    • Hopping race
    • Crawling like a crab
    • Running backwards
    • Skipping etc.
    • Participants might also like to come up with their own ideas!



  • The first runner starts with the baton and runs towards their teammate at the other end of the track,
  • When the first runner gets to their teammate at the other end, they hold their baton at shoulder height for their teammate to take from them,
  • The next runner runs with the baton back to their next teammate and so on,
  • The last runner finishes the relay.


  • Explain the beach relay instructions,
  • Select a participant to help you demonstrate the baton changeover technique.

Activity 2

  • Explain the beach relay instructions,
  • Split participants into groups of 4 or more,
  • On ‘Go’ the first runner starts and the team completes the relay,
  • Repeat the relays, mixing them up with different techniques as per the beach sprint

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