Lesson 2 – 25 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Understand basic safety practices:
    • how to signal for help
    • importance of having an adult present when in the water
    • staying with the group at all times.


  • Check the water to identify the presence of any holes or gutters for reference during the session.
  • Have an adult parent/helper ready to walk through the hole/gutter during the demonstration below.


  • Sit the group in a circle in a quiet, protected part of the beach.
  • Discuss the importance of staying with the group at all times. Do not wander off alone. Identify the group’s coloured caps / rash tops.
  • Discuss the need to always have an adult present whenever you go into the water and to stay in shallow water.


  • Discuss holes and gutters in the shallows.
  • If there is a hole or gutter in shallow water on the beach take the group to the water’s edge and have an adult parent/ helper walk through the hole/gutter.


  • Discuss how to signal for help if in the water (one hand held high above your head, with hand moving slowly side to side). Stand the group up and practice this signal.
  • Discuss the other signals that are important on the beach (ie. whistle blown by age manager or patrol member, siren sounded from the clubrooms).
  • Discuss when you may need help (i.e. unsure where to go, if you are hurt, if you feel afraid).
  • Discuss where you go to get help (i.e. age managers, lifesaver, orange cap water safety, patrol shelter, clubhouse).

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