Lesson 6 – 15 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Identify what a lifesaver looks like
  • Identify the safest place to swim at the beach


  • A lifesaver uniform and equipment (shorts, long sleeved t-shirt, wide brimmed hat, cap, first aid bum bag, rescue tube, fins).


  • Sit the participants in a group in a quiet place,
  • Ask the participants the following questions:
    • What is a lifesaver? (A trained volunteer who patrols the beach)
    • How do we know what a lifesaver looks like? (They are dressed in red and yellow, they wear a red and yellow cap, they carry a tube etc).
    • What does a lifesaver do? (They patrol the beach, they save people etc).
    • Where is the safest place to swim at a beach? (Between the red and yellow flags).


  • Ask for a volunteer who would like to be dressed up as a lifesaver
    • Have the volunteer stand at the front of the group.
    • Take a piece of the lifesaver uniform and discuss the item with the group.
    • Hand the item to the volunteer and have them put it on.
    • Continue dressing up the volunteer until they are fully clothed as a lifesaver and have all the lifesaving accessories.

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