Lesson 13 – 30 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Identify different beach flags race strategies.


  • Flags for game: Either (1) 4 different coloured flags, or (2) 4 different safe objects
  • Marker cones.


If you are not confident coaching the skills in this lesson, bring in a surf sports athlete or coach to help deliver the lesson.

Coaching Points



  • Speed in turn.
  • Keep low throughout turn.
  • Strong leg and arm action.

  • Keep eyes on flag.
  • Dive with hands stretched right out.
  • Grasp firmly and bring to body.

  • Quick decisions need to be made on which flag you will go for.
  • Quickly move in front of a competitor if possible.
  • Keep a low body position in relation to your opponent.


  • This lesson is designed to get participants thinking about how they compete in beach flags and why they do it.
  • Discuss with the participants the simplicity of a beach flags race when it’s broken down.

Question the participants on their beach flags strategy:

  • Which flag do you usually go for?
  • Why do you go for that flag?
  • Which is the best flag to go for?

Activity 1

  • Set up a start and finish line using marker cones and lines in the sand.
  • Explain the instructions for the game of ‘Strategy Flags’ to them.

Info Box

This lesson assumes participants have acquired previous skills from earlier awards:

  • Beach flags starting technique • Beach flags diving technique.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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