Lesson 7 – 60 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques.


  • Qualified trainer or lifesaver.
  • Whiteboard and markers (optional).
  • Resuscitation training equipment and disinfectant.
  • Worksheet: DRSABCD Flowchart.

Award Delivery Options

At the age of 11 a junior member in surf life saving can work towards obtaining a Resuscitation Certificate and a Basic Emergency Care Certificate. As an Age Manager you have two options for the delivery of resuscitation to your participants:

  • Option 1 – Deliver a single lesson on Resuscitation (lesson plan provided on this page). If you are qualified trainer or lifesaver the lesson would be delivered by you. If you are not qualified, you would need to find a qualified bronze lifesaver or trainer to deliver the lesson.
  • Option 2 – Guide your participants towards a Resuscitation Certificate and/or Basic Emergency Care Certificate through the season.

  • Have a qualified trainer deliver an initial lesson on Resuscitation.
  • During the season conduct further lessons with your participants to practice the skills and knowledge learnt in the initial session.
  • When the participants are ready (towards the end of the season) get a qualified assessor to conduct an assessment session.

Note 1: Some participants may have already obtained their Resuscitation Certificate in a previous season. These participants can be used to help out with the training and will need to complete a resuscitation proficiency to keep their award current.

Note 2: Participants are required to be at the same level of competence in resuscitation for the Basic Emergency Care Certificate as they are for the Resuscitation Certificate.


Have a qualified trainer or lifesaver deliver the lesson on Resuscitation. The lesson should be delivered from the SLSA Training Manual as there is not enough room in this lesson plan to provide the necessary instruction. This lesson plan is a basic overview of what should be taught in a one-off resuscitation lesson – not to be used as a lesson for instructing for the resuscitation certificate.


Have discussions on areas such as Hygiene – Minimising the risk of infection, The Chain of Survival, DRSABCD Flow Chart, When to start CPR Rates for CPR.


Discuss and then demonstrate: One person patient assessment, mouth to mouth and mouth to nose rescue breathing techniques as part of CPR Procedures for managing patients after CPR.

Activity 1

  • Have participants get into small groups (depending on the number of manikins you have available) and practice resuscitation.
  • Provide scenarios to the groups to use as starting points for practicing.


Finish the lesson by getting together as a group and discussing any issues, thoughts and feelings that have come out of the session. Basic Emergency Care Certificate: Anatomy and Physiology, Basic First Aid and Resuscitation.

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