Lesson 10 – 40 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Recognise a rescue tube and what it is used for


  • Rescue tubes (enough for one between two participants).
  • Water safety personnel (1:5).
  • Marker cones


  • Using a rescue tube, discuss the parts of the tube and its role.
  • Discuss with the participants when a tube might be used and why (i.e. when on patrol/doing roving patrols, used to conduct rescues).

Activity 1

  • Let the participants experience the rescue tubes by giving them a few minutes to look and feel them.
  • Encourage participants to practice clipping the rescue tube around a partner

Activity 2

  • Create teams of 4 for a relay and give each team a tube.
  • Set up the relay on the beach with a start and finish line marked by cones.
  • Explain the relay to the participants:
    • The first participant in each team starts with the tube on and runs to the next participant down the beach.
    • When they get to the next participant they take off the strap and pass it over.
    • The next participant runs back down the beach to the next participant and so on until the team is finished.


  • Repeat this by setting the relays up:
    • Parallel to the beach in ankle-deep water
    • Parallel to the beach in knee-deep water.
  • Out to sea to waist depth (ensure you have Water Safety Personnel in the water).

Activity 3

  1. Still in teams of 4 each team selects a ‘rescuer’ who starts with the rescue tube.
  2. The 3 other participants are positioned at the other end of the track.
  3. The ‘lifesaver’ must rescue the 3 other participants in his team.
  4. They run with the rescue tube to their team and clip the first participant in the rescue tube
  5. When clipped in they both run back to the start.
  6. The ‘lifesaver’ unclips the rescue tube and repeats the rescue until they have rescued all 3 participants.

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