Lesson 8 – 30 minutes

Learning outcomes

  • Identify volunteer and professional emergency services in the local area.


  • If you are unsure of the lifesaving/emergency equipment at the surf club ask an experienced member to give you a tour before you take the lesson.


  • Take your group to the location in your surf club where all the information on emergency services your club may need to access to is displayed.
  • Discuss these services: Ensure children can locate phone numbers and know how to use the phone.
  • Ask the participants why the surf club may need to use the emergency services listed:

Within Surf Life Saving
SurfCom, Duty Officers, Offshore Rescue Boats (ORB), Inflatable Rescue Boats (IRB), Surf Rescue Vehicles, Rescue Helicopter, Professional Lifeguards.
Outside Surf Life Saving
Police, Ambulance, Fire Service, Local Council (i.e. For Dangerous Dogs), Coastal Patrol.

Activity 1

  • Take the participants on a tour of the surf club to show them where emergency equipment is stored; include in the tour: Boards, Tubes, Flippers, Body boards, IRBs, Rescue Vehicles etc.

Activity 2

  • The aim of this activity is to get children to understand how they can access help in an emergency.
  • Split the participants into three groups for a role play activity and assign an adult parent/helper to each group.
  • Give each group one of the following scenarios:
  1. You are approached on the beach by an elderly man and woman who have been stung by a jellyfish. What do you do?
  2. Four people are swept off rocks or are caught in a rip outside the patrol area and you are there and hear the calls for help. What do you do?
  3. You are in the car park, you see a boy have a stack on his bike trying to jump a guard rail. He hits his head. What do you do?
  4. A man has been badly bitten by a roaming dog on the beach, he has a large cut on his leg and the dog is still running around the beach terrorizing people. What do you do?
  5. You notice about 500m out to sea a small yacht has capsized and after 15min has still not been able to right the yacht. What do you do?
    Give the groups 5-10min to put together an answer to this scenario and have them act it out in front of the whole group. Each member of the group will need to participate in the role play.

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