On this screen a member will be able to view all the organisations they currently hold membership with.
The screen also allows for the user to 1) renew membership, 2) instigate a transfer, 3) make a payment , 4) request to have their membership archived or 5) submit a request to change their membership category.

Renew Membership
1. Click Renew
2. Check the Season field shows the correct renewal season.
3. Review your membership profile and make any necessary changes
4. Tick the appropriate declarations boxes
5. Click Submit
6. If your submission is successful a confirmation screen will display advising the renewal request is pending approval by the club.
7. If you wish to make a payment to your club click the words ‘click here if you wish to pay online’ and the system will direct, you to the SLSA Payment Gateway

Join/Transfer to a New Organisation
To apply to join or transfer to a new organisation click “Join/Transfer to a new organisation” link on the Memberships screen. To join a surf club or to transfer to a different club, choose the first option. You will then be required to choose from the following three transfer options: -
Full Transfer (Leave your current club) – means moving your membership to a different surf club. Once your application is approved, you will no longer be a member of your current club. If you select this option and are presently a member of more than one club, you will be asked to select the club you wish to leave.
Competition rights transfer – Keep your membership at your current club(s) but move your competition rights to a new club. You will then have dual membership.
Non-competition rights transfer – Join another club, while keeping your membership and your competition rights at your current club. You will then have dual membership.
Note: This transfer facility merely initiates the transfer process. The transfer itself depends on endorsement from both your current club, the new club and Branch or State approval.

Online Payments
Members can pay for a range of transaction, including; Membership, Gym, Courses & Training Manuals, Merchandise, Lockers and Functions. Each SLS organisation determine the forms of payment they accept and may include: – Cash, cheque, online payments via the SLSA Payment Gateway, Direct Deposits or EFTPOS facility.

Change Membership Category
If a member believes they are eligible for a change in membership category due to their age or years of patrol service they can submit an online request to Change their membership category. Once the change category is submitted a pending request will be sent to the organisation for approval. The change will not occur until the request has been approved

Revision: 11
Last modified: 18 April 2023