Member Submitting Form

Members can submit via their Members Area account a request for a recognition Award.
1. Click the drop-down on the Forms tab
2. Select Add Submission
3. Click the drop-down under Select a form and click the Form you want to submit.
4. Select a club
5. Click Add Submission

6. Select the National Patrol Service Award from the drop-down.

7. Check you have the correct number of seasons listed
8. You can add missing hours from other organisations for the season listed
9. Upload supporting documentation as proof of hours patrolled prior to 2005.
10. Select Save, Submit or Cancel. You can Save the Form and add additional information later.

Club Officer Submitting Form on Behalf of Member

Clubs, State & National administrators/officers will be able to approve Forms as long as they are in an Officer position in Surfguard and have been assigned Form Approver.
Note: If a member is in multiple officer positions in Surfguard they only need to update one officer position with admin functions.

To access Officer Positions in Surfguard go to Organisational Management > Officer > Officers

From the Forms drop down select Add Submission

At the next screen
1. From the Submit form drop down select On Behalf of a Member in…………
2. From the Member drop down collect the name of the member you want to submit the form for
3. From the Select A Form drop down chose the Form
4 Click Add Submission

The next screen will confirm the name of the Award you are submitting and the name of the member you are submitting the form on behalf of. Select the appropriate Years of Service from the drop down. Scroll back up to Point 7 in Section 1 – Member Submitting Form

Branch or State Submitting Form on Behalf of Member

If a Branch or State Officer wishes to create and submit a form in the Members Area – Forms section the following is displayed.
Branch level – shows all the clubs in the Branch

State level – shows all the clubs in the State

View Submission screen
Indicates the name of the person who submitted the form on behalf of the member and the organisation they are from .

Submission Approval screen
Indicates the Name & Organisation of the approver

Revision: 44
Last modified: 4 August 2023

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