Select if you are joining as an *individual *(one person/yourself) or will you be joining a family (more than one person in the same family group).

Once you have selected ‘Individual’ click the red NEXT button.

Fill in the Individual’s Personal Details (first and last name, DOB and gender).
Note: details for the person wishing to join.
Click NEXT button.

Note: If you are a member within our Organiation the system will detect this and provide you with a link to go to the Members Area.

Complete the Contact and Emergency Contact Details
Click Next Button

Select the desired Joining Fee from the options listed below.

Click the NEXT button

If the Surf Club you are joining has any ‘addon’ other items for purchase ie: gym membership or apparel, click on your selected items that you wish to purchase.
Click NEXT

NSW Only Members – Active Kids vouchers (NOT AVAILABLE THIS SEASON 2024/25)
If the system picks up that the individual is under the age of 18 yrs and lives in NSW the ‘Active Kids Voucher’ screen will appear.
If you wish to use a voucher input the details required for each child. The membership fee will be inserted but upon clicking the NEXT button you will see in the summary that the $100 Active Kids value has been deducted.

The screen will provide a summary of your details and order (membership and other items to be purchased)

Clubs will not process online membership applications until you have made the necessary annual membership fee.
If the club you are joining has enforced credit card payments please complete the Payment details: Cardholder Name, Credit Card Number, Expiry date and security Code

Log in Details
All current members of the Surf Life Saving have access to the SLSA Members Area. (URL:
You are asked to create your unique Username and Password in preparation for accessing this system.
Existing members use the Members Area to renew and manage their club memberships.
*Note: * Usernames MUST be unique. If you type in a username that is already taken, upon submitting the page a warning will be displayed asking you to type in another username.

SLSA Membership Application and Declaration
All members of our Organisation (annually) must read, understand, acknowledge and agree to the declaration and application and conditions of membership
Tick both checkbox to acknowledge the above and this will be recorded as your electronic signature and timestamped.
Note: You can click on the ‘declaration’ link to fully ready the SLSA Membership Application and Declaration
Click NEXT to proceed

The screen will display that your application for membership has been submitted to your chosen organisation.
Your membership will remain pending with your club until your club processes your online membership application.
Note: Membership is not automatic. If there is a delay or you need to ask a question, feel free to contact the club you applied to join, directly.

If you have not already make a membership fee payment, click on the MAKE PAYMENT link

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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