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Auto Escalation of a Shortfall

If Management finds that some Shortfalls constantly require the same manual manipulation to widen parameters to ensure shifts are filled, they may wish to automate the process.
This can be set behind the scenes and escalate according to Management-set parameters and timing to ensure each Shortfall is filled.
Contact your ShiftMatch Administrator to establish Auto Escalation parameters.

Setting when auto escalation begins:

Examples include:
#10 – Timing % between creation and deadline – a single global setting (multiple % points can be set)
Establishing a time to start escalation, as determined between the time of creation of each shift and the deadline on the shift.
Eg: If we set the escalation moment at 50% and shifts are created at midnight with an 8am deadline, for every shift that is not filled at 4am, the system will start auto-escalating.
#20 – Timing % between creation and deadline – using the settings for each location
Same as above but specific to each location, rather than across all locations.
#30 – Minutes before deadline (multiple points can be set
Eg: 20 mins, then 15 mins, then 2 mins)
Rather than setting a % between creation and deadline, set a hard number of minutes to start escalation.
Eg: A shift is created and has an 8am deadline. If we set 120 minutes here, the auto-escalation will begin at 6am.
#40 – Minutes after creation (care needs to be taken with this as it could supersede other settings)
A hard number of minutes starting from the time of creation.
Eg: a shift is created at midnight and if we set 120 minutes here, auto-escalation will commence at 2am.
#50 – At specific forward-planning date/time-points
Time and date specific moments set in advance to start escalation.
Eg: Shifts for future weeks are created in a forward-planning process in this week.
Managers can nominate to start auto-escalation for any unfilled shifts on a specific day and time in between.

Actions which auto escalate

Examples include:
#15 – resend
Resends the “Staff Offer Request” to all people already contacted
#1 – resend urgent
Resends “Resend Urgent” return text to all people already contacted
#2 – resend critical
Resends “Resend Critical” return text to all people already contacted
#3 – open grading
Expands the range of gradings asked for up and down (as defined for each grade)
#4 – increase max messages
Adds a global increment to the Max Messages field
#5 – open offers only
Unticks “Only use people with offers” box so workers who haven’t posted availability will be matched and contacted
#6 – refer to agency
Refers the shift to Agency as per normal processing rules
#7 – refer pt and ft
Refers the shift to BOTH Part-time and Full-time staff
#8 – refer pt
Refers the shift to Part-time workers
#9 – refer to ft
Refers the shift to Full-time workers
#10 – refer to casual
Refers the shift to Casual workers
#11 – refer to pools
Opens the shift up to ALL pools

Examples of Auto Escalations

  1. Shifts for the week of August 11-17 are created in a forward-planning process by management and input to ShiftMatch in the week of July 21.
    They set up the Shortfalls to go only to Part Time workers; THEN
    They set a July 28 9am date/time at which they will refer to Full Time users; THEN
    They set an August 4 9am date/time at which they will refer to Agencies.
    As a result, the following will occur:
  • On July 21, any Part-Time users with the appropriate grades, skills, locations and availability will be contacted to work the shifts; THEN
  • On July 28, any and all unfilled shifts would be referred to any Full-Time users with the appropriate grades, skills, locations and availability; THEN
  • On August 4, any and all unfilled shifts would be referred to an Agency (or Agencies, as established by management) to fill with staff holding the appropriate grades, skills and locations.
  1. Management inputs a shift at noon today with a deadline tomorrow at noon and a start time of 2pm tomorrow for any Part Time user.
    They set a 50% of create-time<>deadline at which time they will uncheck offers-only; THEN
    They set a 75% of create-time<>deadline at which time they will refer to Full Time users; THEN
    They set 60 min before deadline at which time they will refer to Agency.
    As a result, the following will occur:
  • At noon today, the shift will go out to any Part Time user with the appropriate grades, skills, locations and availability
  • At midnight [ie: after 50% of time has passed between creation and deadline], if the shift is unfilled, it will go out to any Part Time user with the appropriate grades, skills, locations (even if they have not entered availability for that time)
  • At 6am [ie: after 75% of time has passed between creation and deadline], if the shift is still unfilled, it will go out to any Full Time user with the appropriate grades, skills and locations.
  • At 11am [ie: 60 min before deadline], if the shift is still unfilled, it will be referred to Agency.

Next Topic: Open or Escalate a Shortfall to Agency(ies) →


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