At the front panel of the device can be found the following information

Input for the power supply. The device must be connected to a 5 – 30VDC (*) power line. It is recommended to use a stable power line.

Output voltage from the input one. By means of this connector, it is possible to feed another device with the same voltage as connected to VIN. It is highly recommended to feed an Advertisim device.

PC – MicroUSB
Programming input of the device if connected to a PC. It can also be used as an input power supply, when not using the VIN connector.

Discover Button
This button is configured to complete two actions:

  • Nayar Switch’s identification on app: A single press on this button helps identify in the app the device among all the other available products.
  • Link to Wi-Fi network created by Nayar Switch: A single press on this button allows a different Nayar Systems’ product to link to the Wi-Fi network created by the Nayar Switch.

A touch on the Discover button causes the Discover LED of Nayar Switch to light up.